DID Web Registry

The wallet-api has a build-in DID Web Registry to make did:web's created via API publicly resolvable without the need to host any external services.

Create a did:web


API Reference

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://wallet.walt.id/wallet-api/wallet/{wallet}/dids/create/web?domain={domain}&path={path}' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -d ''

Path Params

  • wallet: string - The ID of the wallet to add the DID to. You can find a list of all wallets associated with an account using the following endpoint /wallet-api/wallet/accounts/wallets.

Query Params

  • domain: string - The domain that will host the DID. When you want to use the in-build did:web registry, set this to the domain where the wallet API is hosted.
  • path: string - The path at which the DID document should be hosted. If you are using the in-build did:web registry it must look like /wallet-api/registry/$uniqueIdentifier where the uniqueIdentifier can be any type of number or UUID.
  • keyId: string - Associate did:web with a key in the wallet or create a new key if none is provided.
  • alias: string - Alias for DID, shown on overview page and when selecting a DID for issuing a credential.

Example Response


Viewing the DID Document

According to the official specification, if the required domain and path parameters are used for the in-build registry, the created DID will have its DID Document available under: wallet-api-host-domain/wallet/registry/{uniqueIdentifier}/did.json

Resolving the DID

You can also use the Universal Resolver to resolve the DID and view the DID document.